Property Tax Division
Phone: 515-961-1110
Taxpayers in Warren County may pay their current taxes online with a Visa, Master Card, or Discover credit card, or use their regular checking account with an electronic check. Each year the Iowa Department of Management certifies property tax levies, from the taxing bodies, to the County Auditor. These levies are applied to the taxable property values assessed by the County Assessor to establish the annual tax amount to be collected by the County Treasurer in two equal installments: the first half by September 30th and the second half by March 31st of the following year. The County Treasurer prepares and mails tax statements. Delinquent statements are mailed November 1st and May 1st of each year. If the taxes are not purchased after two publications, a tax sale certificate is issued to the County. If taxes are not redeemed within a given period of time, the certificate holder may be given deed to the property. Claims for Iowa Disabled and Senior Citizens Property Tax and Mobile Home Tax Credits are filed with the Treasurer’s Office by June 1st of each year. The State of Iowa then reimburses these credits to the County Treasurer along with the homestead, agricultural land, machinery and equipment, family farm, and military credits, which are applied for through the Assessor’s Office.
The County Treasurer’s Office collects property taxes for all taxing bodies. All taxes collected are apportioned and distributed each month to the taxing bodies.